It's About Time! - GOP Launches High-Tech Data Operation

Posted on the 01 May 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
Welcome to this century GOP:
National Republicans are building a new data-sharing platform as the party moves to close a digital divide with Democrats that became glaringly apparent in the aftermath of the 2012 presidential election.
Per a sneak peek provided to CQ Roll Call, the Republican National Committee is set to announce a partnership with two third-party entities designed to facilitate unprecedented data generation and sharing across all GOP party committees, consultants, vendors and the conservative outside groups that have become increasingly active in political campaigns. The effort, which could cost up to $20 million, stems from recommendations made by the Growth and Opportunity Project, the RNC’s internal autopsy of what went wrong last year commissioned by Chairman Reince Priebus.
“One of the biggest priorities identified by the Growth and Opportunity Project was the need to improve our data as a party, but also to increase access to data,” RNC spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski said.

Many conservative supporters, including myself, have said the GOP needs to learn how to communicate better, get the message out, so to speak, so this will be welcome news.
Here’s how it is supposed to work: Using the digital platform designed and operated by Liberty Trust, any user approved by the RNC will have full access to all information compiled and constantly updated by the committee and stored in its “data warehouse” — not just the traditional voter-file lists, as has been the case until now.
In exchange, the users agree to share with the RNC whatever digital product, list or additional information they compile or assemble through the use of the original data. This new information is then input into the RNC data hub for the RNC and other users to access. Data Trust will manage the process, facilitating data exchange activities between the RNC and other entities, as it did last cycle.
“Our venture will change the game with a Republican, free enterprise approach to data and technology. We are building an open platform to increase access to data for the entire Republican team as well as to bring creativity and technological innovation to our party through new great applications that can be built off the platform,” said Dick Boyce, the investment and technology executive, and longtime Republican donor, who founded Liberty Works.
The RNC uses the analogy of how a consumer interacts with Apple’s iPhone and related technology to explain the new venture: “Think of this like Apple and the App Store. Liberty Works will build the iPhone and other vendors will be able to build the phone app or the contacts app,” Kukowski said, explaining that:
  • The platform will be built by Liberty Works
  • The initiative will be managed by Data Trust
  • The RNC data warehouse will be the center of the platform. This data warehouse on the GOP side includes decades of gathered data from voter contact, micro-targeting and publicly available consumer data.

About damn time GOP, thank you for joining us in the 21st Century.