It’s A Zombie Weekend! World War Z Feature by Jay

By Appraisingpages @appraisjngpages

We’ve been so lucky to have so many great guest bloggers this week!  Chad‘s reviewed Batgirl and Superman Unchained, and author Matthew Turner shared his thoughts on Kickstarter and crowdfunding for authors.

Well, the party doesn’t stop there.  You may have seen Justine’s guide on how to throw the perfect zombie-themed party (we’re currently trying to organize one for all of our friends!) in celebration of World War Z coming out this weekend but we thought we needed to do a homage to the book as well.

AFTER ALL, we are a book review blog!

So we asked Jay, who has reviewed around herea few times, to put together a little feature for us on the book that’s inspired the big-budget, big-screen feature coming out TODAY.  Here it is!

It is hip to be a zombie nowadays.

With the Brad Pitt movie being released this weekend I am writing my thoughts on the book World War Z for the wonderful ladies at “Appraising Pages”. This book was written by comedy legend Mel Brooks’ son Max Brooks. I want more from this guy.

Fast moving, descriptive, unique and groundbreaking are words I use to describe this effort.

To be honest I was riveted by a preview to WWZ that I saw online and immediately bought the book. I am a huge fan of The Walking Dead and all zombie movies going back to Night of the Living Dead.

This book is set from a perspective of a post zombie war history book. It was recounting all that happened in the time starting from the first outbreak that happened in rural China.  The perspective that was it is written as a compilation of interviews about the war was very descriptive and satisfying. It contains many first, second and third hand accounts of the zombie invasion and how some survived. There are some chapters of the book that are literally frightening. Others chapters are slower moving but paced so that you can be engulfed in the overall near hopeless feeling that all zombie stories have….that feeling being: “Do I have what it takes to actually survive this zombie thing?” AND “if I survive do I really want to be alive anyway after all of this?”

This will contain no spoilers…frankly there aren’t many to be told but what I enjoyed was MANY unique and new takes on the zombie behavior that Brooks brings to life (so to speak)…cheap zombie humor I know.

A few examples:
–Zombies could exist underwater and wander the ocean floor. Sometimes wandering out on land making ocean front property not such a good thing.
–Cold weather stops these zombies….until spring.

There are riveting accounts on the human condition and how sometimes the worse enemy encountered were not zombies but other humans during this time.  Read the book for more of these types of creative story lines.

So to compare…I really loved Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. The book was awesome and the movie, though much different from the book was excellent as well.    I assume that the World War Z movie will be just as good judging from the trailers but without the depth the book.

This book has been recommended by me to anyone I have talked to about it. I grade it 5 out of 5.

Buy it, read it and and post here if you agree with me or not.