It’s a Skars-A-Thon: Generation Kill

Posted on the 18 September 2014 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

It has been a Skarsdrought with Alex off filming Tarzan the Untamed, True Blood off the air, The Giver still in theaters, and no official word on when Diary of a Teenage Girl or Hidden will be released. My TV is tired of me pouting at its blank screen. So what is a fan girl to do? Have a Skars-A-Thon.

Skars-A-ThonVerb – To watch and rewatch your Alexander Skarsgård library while waiting for his next project to be released.

And what better way to start me off then the mini series that first brought Alexander Skarsgård to HBO: Generation Kill.

The What: Generation Kill is a 7 part mini series produced by HBO based on the best selling book by Rolling Stone journalist Evan Wright as he chronicled his time with the First Marine Recon Unit during the start of Iraq War.

The Who: Alex took on the role of Sgt Brad “Iceman” Colbert.

The Why: I found GK after Alex caught my interest on True Blood and I wanted to see more of his work. Plus, i knew he would be in uniform. I was not disappointed on either front. Definitely not a girlie show, it was a brilliantly crafted show that takes us along for the ride of beginning of the war… with all its cracks. As well as what its like in a humvee with 3-4 other people, giving us a glimpse of how close knit a group they became as they sang on down the road… or broke the chain of command because it was the right thing to do. Alex blew me aways with his performance as usual with no words. I mean, you can literally see it in his eyes as he looses faith in some of what happens in the name of war and the need to follow the chain of command.

But then he is the Iceman, and he kept his crew in line… no matter what, you Stay Frosty.