It's a Simple Question, Really . . .

By Davidduff

Do you want the rules and regulations concerning the liberty of our press influenced in even the smallest way by these two upstanding examples of British, er, gentlemen?

Hugh Grant  Max Mosley

Take that as a 'no', shall I?

I confess to being as bewildered as you by the conflicting agitprop coming from all political parties and I simply await the decision of young Master Fraser Nelson, editor of The Spectator, who has promised to refuse to sign up to any deal that he considers a threat to the freedom of the press.  However, Guido reminds us bloggers that we should take heed because, apparently, we too will come under whatever deal is stitched up by those duplicitous, money-grubbing ratbags in parliament . . .  ooops, was that a knock at the door, I heard . . . ?