It’s a Pirates Life at Party Options!

By Partyoptions

Arrrrr me hearty’s! “Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides” is the newest release of the series of fantasy-adventure films by Disney! It hits our screens on May 18th 2011. Jack Sparrow is engaged in yet another quest, this time for the Fountain of Youth. Hopefully if he finds it he won’t mind sharing!  

With the Pirate theme so prominent in our cinemas this spring why not have your own Pirate themed party? How about giving your school or nursery summer fete a pirates theme? Either way, look no further shipmates, for here at Party Options we stock everything you could possibly need for a fun party which will look great with all our accessories.

Setting the scene

Don’t forget, for the best parties you need to set the scene with pirate accessories .  Why not place a couple of 6ft inflatable palm trees at the entrance of your venue? You can even hang monkeys and parrots on them for a great effect!

Pirates and shipmates listen up!

You will need to make sure you look the part too! This doesn’t have to be any more complicated than a pair of shorts and a white t-shirt. But why not dress it up with a hat or a bandana, add a friendly parrot on your shoulder and of course you wouldn’t be a true pirate without an eye patch. Just for the finishing touch you could use the Snazaroo pirate face painting kit to add some nice bushy eyebrows and a beard that could put Blackbeard’s to shame! Be warned shipmates, your adventure may take you through rough terrain or you might come across some rival pirates, so be prepared and arm yourself with a trusty sword!


In true tradition no party would be complete without party games and even these can be themed.  Clearly there must be a treasure hunt so why not think of a few clues and send your merry shipmates off looking for treasure? Pop some buried treasure party flags around your venue with a fresh clue attached to each one. The intrepid treasure seekers will have to hunt for the hidden treasure chest and then smash it open to reveal the hidden loot! Also you could try our buried treasure party game which is loosely based on pin the tail on the donkey. Have a look at our gifts section for some great prizes.

Feast Fit for a Pirate!

After all that treasure seeking and adventure your pirates and shipmates will need a hearty feast. The theme can be followed through to your table presentation to include pirate themed table cloths, cups, plates and napkins. Select individually or why not make life easy and opt for a pirate themed party pack?

So shipmates raise the Jolly Roger and have a swashbucklin’ party and see if you can’t find some loot! Yo ho ho!