It's a Magical, Magical World : Stokke Nursery

By Livingnotes @livingnotesnyc

There is no doubt that magic is in the air when you are expecting the arrival of your littlest but, probably, the most important person - your baby. The mothering instinct takes over, and the nesting, cleaning, folding - everything to make a place welcoming for your sweet baby - rules your life until everything is beyond perfect.
When I started working on my beautiful Stokke nursery, I had some other decorating ideas. We spend weeks on end creating large canvas art pieces with children in both, oil and acrylic. We wanted to do something meaningful - it all turned out beautiful but somehow the big picture just did not feel right. I stumbled on the New York-Paris-London prints in Ikea and the idea of a perfect place was born. There is no question that all those places have a very special place in my heart - I spent much of my time in all three places, dancing, living, growing up and becoming a person I am today. And New York... New York has a unique place in my heart. Apart from the fact that some of the best career years, years as a new and growing family, years of learning, discovering and making memories were spent in Manhattan, I also see New York as a true representation of what America is. It has united a great multitude of cultures, with the roots going deep into the first generations of immigrants,  the people that came with hope , dreams and seeking happiness for themselves and their children; the people that made America be what it is today. Though my little nursery is a small, it combines in itself much history, hope, happiness and all the best one can give and wish for a child.
** please, excuse the lack of a "wholesome" picture - the angles are very odd in this tiny room and do not allow for a good all around picture. a panoramic view above is what i have to use **
^^ i get to hear lots of stories during the "baby time". i love it ^^

 ^^ we are so blessed to have a house full of little mommies. how much they love the "baby boy", no words can describe ^^     ^^ as sweet as they come. so small, and yet so advanced at stealing hearts...^^
^^ just making sure everything is just as it should be. the stokke bassinet in the picture has been a life saver for me, and deserves a post of its own coming up shortly ^^
^^ a rocking chair with a "baby" was a must for this room if i wanted to keep my seat to myself ^^
  ^^ i knew that we would be spending a lot of time in this room particularly, so when designing i decided to put some toys to occupy the little hands and minds. it definitely was a wise decision and i love having little visitors pop-in ^^
 ^^ there is nothing that compares to a little baby wrapped in a blanket and sleeping in your arms ^^
^^ you can't resist those kissable and milky little cheeks ^^ 
^^ all men together. bonding ^^
^^ the hanging mini-lights have just want I wanted - a little soft light for the daytime when the sun is on the other side, and a little extra magic for the evening ^^
^^ with 4 languages between parents, this baby is ripping all sorts of benefits. and i secretly hope one particular language sticks more to him then it did to the older ones ^^
 It goes without saying as well that the littlest occupant of the family deserves only the best of the best. We were beyond thrilled to be able to design our baby's room with Stokke nursery. Stokke's reputation of being the best for furniture as well as other products is not something new, but I sincerely could not hold back my gasp of surprise and excitement when I opened boxes with Sleepi and Care: the quality, craftsmanship and beauty of modern design are breathtaking. Between 4 previous children and several moves that jobs have taken us to, we have owned more baby furniture then we wished for - partially because of the inconvenience moving a set of nursery furniture takes,  partially because far not every new room would even be able to fit the furniture( Manhattan doorways? Need I say more?) , and partially because, frankly speaking, not every crib could even survive the move and multiple screwing/unscrewings. I wish I could rewind my life to 10 years back: I would get Stokke furniture - an investment that would take me through all the babies and on with their lives, and here is why.
Stokke Sleepi.

The convertible nursery bed: Four beds in one.™   {sourse}

Your first bed turns into your second. And third. And fourth!™. The Stokke® Sleepi™ has been designed to grow with your child and can be used from birth to approximately 10 years of age using additional parts.

Stokke Sleepi Mini - from 0 to 6mo

The Stokke® Sleepi™ Mini is the perfect first bed for your baby. It creates a nest-like environment that is comfortable and secure.The lockable wheels can be used to rock your baby gently to sleep ( the feature that I LOVE and use! ) , and makes your crib easy to move from room to room - how about that?! Fits through the doorway no problem, even in our tricky layout.  Add to it that this little mini can fit everywhere - from a little corner in your city bedroom, to being a stand alone gorgeous piece in the middle of the room without creating the obstacle course to get around. I love the well thought out canopy: it helps to create calm and serene environment for the baby, while protecting from drafts and a/c's and forced air heaters. The canopy holder has a little hole, perfect for a little mobile to keep the baby engaged when awake and wanting to play ( and you need a minute to yourself) .

Stokke Sleepi Bed - from 0 to 18mo

The Stokke® Sleepi™ Mini converts easily into Stokke® Sleepi Bed, creating a familiar environment for your baby. You can adjust the height positions as your child grows. And I love the oval design - whether you choose to put it by the wall, in the corner, in the middle of the room - it looks beautiful everywhere. Here is another reason for an oval crib : Sleepi's Iconic Scandinavian design creates a small footprint in your nursery. Sleepi is constructed of 100% solid cultivated beech wood, a material known for its strength and stability. Sleepi's unique oval design increases airflow through the crib, creating a safe cocoon for baby. Available in several colors and wood finishes. All varnishes are non-toxic and safe for baby.  And then you baby is ready to climb out, the crib converts easily into one stylish Stokke Sleepi Toddler Bed,  with some very smart design.

 Stokke Sleepi Junior  
At 165 cm (5'6"), Stokke® Sleepi™ Junior is a comfortable bed for children up to around ten years old, and it doubles-up as a practical mini-sofa, perfect for the playroom. Included when you purchase Stokke® Sleepi™, your baby can breathe easy with the waved base and netted cover of the special Stokke® Sleepi™ Mattress. Made from 100 % quilted cotton to increase ventilation and eradicate moisture for a healthy sleeping environment.  
Stokke® Sleepi™ can even turn into two chairs. How absolutely cool IS that concept?! Now just TWO chairs, but two very cool, modern design chairs that my almost 10 year old gave a very approving nod to. Stokke Care  Stokke® Care™ is a changing table that becomes a desk and a bookshelf and a TV stand - you choose what fits your needs best - but first and foremost it’s a way to make the nappy changing enjoyable experience, allowing you to bond with your child. Stokke believes that early physical and emotional contact between parent and child is of crucial importance. That’s why Stokke® Care™ is designed so that you face your child, whilst space for your feet allows you to get closer to your baby. Stokke® Care™ raises your baby to your height, encourages all-important eye-contact and frees your baby’s arms and legs, promoting play and interaction. And not only that - having your baby face you bum first makes the changes so. much. easier. Added bonus : your younger child can't reach the creams/lotions/powder/wipes that are necessities for a baby, but typically end up on the floor if within the little hands reach. I love the beautiful and SOFT pad - there is even a safety belt to help secure your baby (* but, of course, never leave your baby unattended on the changing table)   ^^ tall and beautiful, it is not only easy to fit even in a tiny room like ours, but it contains more inside then any other changing table/dresser i had my hands on in the past 10 years ^^
^^ the pad is extra soft, which is so important especially for the newborn ^^
^^ love, love, love the roomy and very functional drawers. the divider is removable , so you can have just one large compartment ^^  
^^ how thoughtful are these details?! everything you need is within your reach! like your baby's favorite hooded towel with a mitten? very clever ^^
^^ and it is simply beautiful ^^ *And one can't forget that all Stokke furniture has a unprecedented 7 year warranty.  **One other significant bonus to Sleepi that does not come to mind immediately - there are no sharp corners, whether it is for you or for your little toddler  - there is nothing to catch on. A BIG bonus if you have ever sported a "crib bruise" or have a curious less-then-two year old.  ^^ everyone needs a little magic at night, especially when talking about a baby ^^ as seen in the post: stokke sleepi system in natural, stokke care in natural, bedding/bumber, blanket in beige and in blanket in white, stokke bassinet ( coming up in another post soon!) , stokke hooded towel, stokke cover, canopy in white.