It’s A [Design] Process

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

I’m really exhausted.  It’s been a crazy couple (Several?  Many?  I’m losing count…) weeks, and I would probably be running out of steam by now if it weren’t for the fact that I’m so damn inspired.

I’m drunk with creativity and a little manic.  Here’s a little snippet of a couple things I’ve been working on; rough sketches from a few branding sessions where we defined the core personality of these businesses and are now developing a graphic identity using things like shapes, colors and typeface.  We use these elements to to visually represent the brand as well as inspire the copy for their marketing strategy.

Ideally, these will eventually lead to a logo, but for now they’re just part of the process of developing a really strong and focused message.

What do you think of the process?  Did you ever do this for your brand?