"It Now Appears These Concerns Were Justified"

Posted on the 31 December 2013 by Brutallyhonest @Ricksteroni

Dale O'Leary over at NCR brings us the latest details on the culture war skirmishes to include a chronicling of events many of us are likely clueless about:

The conflict between Duck Dynasty reality TV stars and the A&E television network has received massive media coverage. It is, however, only one skirmish in a larger conflict between the right of believers to express their faith and the rights of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community not to be offended by that expression of faith.

In response to a number of cases in which courts ruled against small businesses run by persons who refused for religious reasons to participate in celebrations of same-sex relations, Rep. Raul Labrador, R-Idaho, has introduced the “Marriage and Religious Freedom Act”(H.R. 3133).

According to Rep. Labrador, “Our bill will ensure tolerance for individuals and organizations that affirm traditional marriage, protecting them from adverse federal action.”

The law would prohibit the federal government from discriminating in any way against “individuals and institutions that exercise religious or moral conscience regarding marriage as the union of one man and woman.” While this would not affect state laws, it would prevent the federal government from denying benefits, positions or exemption from taxation to persons who voice support for traditional marriage.


A spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign — a homosexual-rights group — argued that there was no reason to believe that federal programs would discriminate against people based on their support of traditional marriage.

However, when sexual orientation was added to anti-discrimination laws, those opposed argued that such a change could have a negative effect on freedom of religion. Such concerns were brushed aside by the supporters of the change. When courts and legislatures redefined marriage to include same-sex couples, opponents pointed out that such a change could lead to discrimination against those who defend traditional marriage. It now appears these concerns were justified.

A photographer in New Mexico was fined $7,000 for refusing to photograph a same-sex ceremony. Her lawyer, Jordan Lorence of Alliance Defending Freedom, questioned the ruling: “Should the government force a videographer who is an animal-rights activist to create a video promoting hunting and taxidermy? Of course not; and neither should the government force this photographer to promote a message that violates her conscience.”

In another case, Barronelle Stutzman, a florist in Washington state, is being sued under anti-discrimination laws for refusing to provide flowers for the wedding of two male customers. She had sold flowers to them on other occasions, but she felt she couldn’t participate in their wedding.

Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Colorado, politely refused to create a wedding cake for a same-sex couple who were going to have a wedding ceremony in Massachusetts (such weddings are not legal in Colorado, where marriage is defined as between one man and one woman), followed by a reception in Colorado.

Judge Robert Spencer ruled that Phillips must bake wedding cakes for homosexual couples: “At first blush, it may seem reasonable that a private business should be able to refuse service to anyone it chooses. This view, however, fails to take into account the cost to society and the hurt caused to persons who are denied service simply because of who they are.”

Phillips, however, did not discriminate against the two men because of who “they are,” but because of the message they wanted him to send with his craftsmanship. Philips offered to sell them other baked goods or birthday cakes, just not a wedding cake. Phillips has been consistent in the defense of his faith. He has also refused to bake Halloween treats.

These rulings raise a number of questions: Does the government have the right to force an artist or craftsman to create whatever a potential client demands, even if it sends a message with which the creator disagrees? Do some people have a right not to have their feelings hurt? Are LGBT persons’ hurt feelings sufficient cause to deny other persons’ freedom of religion and creative speech?

There's more and it's worth your time.  

Sooner or later, a choice will have to be made by those sitting on the sidelines.  The stakes are high.

Choose with wisdom.