It Must Be My Fault

By Nicoleao @momfever

I’m a big fan of the series Downton Abbey. I very much appreciate the lifestyle!

‘Would you like a cup of tea?’ Lady Mary asked a visitor yesterday. Usually when someone wants a cup of tea, you then have to go into the kitchen and make some. But not in Downton Abbey! Lady Mary walked to a corner of the room, and with an elegant gesture pulled a big rope. Within minutes a servant appeared, to get her whatever she wanted.

Aside from the practical benefits, I also love the way women are put on a pedestal in Downton Abbey. Sure, they have no rights to anything, but at the same time they’re treated with great care.

For example: there’s been trouble brewing in the marriage of two servants. ’It múst be my fault,’ the husband pondered earnestly. ‘Because she is faultless.’

I couldn’t wait to tell my husband about this.

Because his policy is exactly the other way around: ‘It’s always somebody else’s fault. Never his.’