It Looks Like the Apple Smartwatch Will Be Called the iWatch

Posted on the 23 April 2014 by Worldwide @thedomains

It looks like Apple is going to name their smart watch the “iWatch”

In an article written by Chris Smith for, it seems that a trademark registration filed by Brightflash USA LLC  has the same address that Apple has used in the past when trademarking iSlate. The same address was used to register the Car Play trademark by a company called, Carplay Enterprises.

From the article

Now that Apple has been seen further extending its company trademark to cover Class 14 devices including watches, a new piece of evidence seems to indicate that there’s apparently little doubt as to what Apple’s smartwatch will be called. French publication Consomac has discovered that Apple has quietly applied for “iWatch” trademarks in many markets around the world, including the U.S., by using a discrete dummy company called Brightflash.

While this is not official confirmation that Apple will indeed refer to its smartwatch line as the iWatch, it certainly fits with the previously revealed Class 14 Apple trademark filings. It is believed that the company is trying to maintain as much secrecy as possible around its products by using dummy companies to register trademarks for unannounced devices.

Read the full article and TM filing here.

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