It is a Good Thing

By Caryschmidt

"It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High: To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night,"-Psalm 92.1-2

How has God been faithful to you during the last eight weeks? Have you celebrated His faithfulness recently? Have you paused the noise (both external and internal) long enough to simply say "Thank you, Lord!" It will change you. It will change your day and your perspective.

Do you have your health? Thank you, Lord! Do you have your basic provisions? Thank you, Lord! Do you have friends or family that love you? A job? Something to eat today? How about legs that walk, eyes that see, ears that hear? How about some specific provision from God to you personally? Think about it, you'll probably come up with one.

Yesterday I received a gift from a friend who lives in South Carolina. It was completely unexpected. It was a gift that only God could have known to send me, and it came out of a very unusual circumstance. There's a long story behind it, but it brought me to tears for mostly sentimental reasons, but also for the profound reality that it had to be God and it had to be an expression of God's affirmation. It was as if God personally said, "Here you go. I know you wanted one of these, and I'm happy with how you will use it. Since they don't make them any more, I went out of my way to get you one."

I immediately called my friend and told him the side of the story he had no knowledge of. We rejoiced together.

Yes, God has ways of whispering into your present and saying, "Here I am. I am with you. I am faithful to you. I never leave you. I'm smiling over you in love and care."

It's a good thing to pause today to say "Thanks, Lord!" It's a good thing to say, "Thank you for my trial." And then, today, seek to "show forth" His lovingkindness. You may be the warmest heart, kindest smile, and most clear gospel message someone will ever see or hear today.