It Came From ReverbNation #6

Posted on the 05 September 2012 by Ripplemusic
From April 4th to June 4th The Ripple Effect ran a campaign on the excellent online music website ReverbNation (  This campaign allowed any artist or band registered with ReverbNation to submit their music to The Ripple Effect for possible review on the site and airplay on The Ripple Effect radio shows.  When all was said and done we had received 4,799 submissions!  Incredible!  The purpose of this column is to highlight those artists and bands whose musical submissions I accepted as being worthy of consideration.  While these are not reviews per se, I’m going to provide a brief rundown of what to expect from each artist/band, a sample when available, and a link to check out more on their corresponding ReverbNation page.
Meagan Tubb & Shady People – Ah Austin, TX you’ve gone and done it again!  I’d be lying if I didn’t say that the song submitted by this powerfully bluesy quartet almost immediately won me over.  Seriously, I think I hit the accept button less than 45 seconds into the song.  Fantastic female vocalist, great guitar work, thumping rhythm section…great stuff!  Similar artists include Bonnie Raitt, The Allman Brothers Band, and Susan Tedeschi.
ReverbNation Page –
Song Sample – “Sweet Dream”

Joe Miller – This young man from Red Bank, NJ almost had me fooled.  Almost.  Initially I thought he was simply your standard acoustic guitar wielding singer/songwriter with a charming voice.  But then I discovered that a couple of his sample tracks featured rappers.  Now that was new to this music fanantic!  To top it all off, the combination sounds really good!  Check him out!
ReverbNation Page –
Song Sample – “Blue”

Mama Hagglin – Attention classic rock fans.  This quartet from Garden Grove, CA would like your attention.  The song they submitted sounds fairly Clapton-esque, with a dash of exotic-sounding Zeppelin on the side.  Throw in a vocalist with a slightly weathered voice and you have a pretty appealing sonic gumbo to sink your teeth into.  Take a listen.
ReverbNation Page –
Song Sample – “Love Spell”

Will Hanza – I must say that this Brooklyn, NY based artist has piqued my interest.  The song I’ve listened to a couple of times now is an interesting combination of Pink Floyd and a grunge band if the grunge band got rid of most of their distortion pedals and added a mandolin.  Very impressive!  Well worth a look.  As a matter of fact, I think I’ll listen again too!
ReverbNation Page –
Song Sample – “Trying To Keep This”

The Blackfires – When I found out that this band was from New York, NY, I laughed at how much sense that made.  They play straight ahead, blues-drenched, gut level rock and roll.  The vocalist at times reminds me of the mighty Rob Halford since he displays a large vocal range.  Initially I thought the song production sounded a little hollow overall.  Then I found out that this was a live recording.  Oh…impressed I am!
ReverbNation Page –
Song Sample – “Whip And Lyre”

SwampdaWamp – Besides having a downright awesome name, this six member band from Mount Holly, NC really impressed me with their down home southern rock sound.  At times I definitely heard the Lynyrd Skynyrd influence, but later the song exploded into this infectious deep-fried southern funk.  The singer has a great gruff voice as well to add to the music’s atmosphere.  See for yourselves.
ReverbNation Page –
Song Sample – “Rock This Country”
