It Appears I Have a Zombie Car

By Christopher De Voss @chrisdevoss

Originally posted on The Green-Walled Tower:

Upon my word, I’m not sure how to say this but I believe I am the owner of a zombie car.

Braaaaaaakesss…braaaaaaaakesss. [Source]

Don’t ask me how such a thing is possible; my mechanic Gregory had no idea what the matter was and I had to rely on the expertise of young Michael who runs the comic store and indie movie theater. He seemed to know all about it. At least he pretended to.

It all started a week ago with the accident. I was coming up Route 43, just north of Springersville. It was foggy and you know how the road curves left just over the river? Well, straight ahead is the gate for Granger’s scrap yard and I just missed the turn completely in the fog and plowed right into that chain-link gate with my 2002 Corolla. It was an honest mistake, I can assure you; no…

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