It All About Greenhouses

By Danielcarruthers

It may be miserably, cold and wet out in the garden but now is exactly the right time to be thinking about what type of greenhouse you should be buying. That’s providing you don’t already have one. Our guide to buying a greenhouse will give you some pointers. I dare say you can buy small cheap greenhouses off the shelf from the likes of your local supermarket but you still need to plan where you are going to put it. If you want it to stay in place, rather than disappear in the first strong wind then you’ll likely need to prepare a solid foundation, something that is easier done on a  dry and frost free day. Some of the more exclusive brands, like Hartley Botanic, will make your greenhouse to order but this can and often does take weeks.

There’s usually a bottleneck around the end of March when the garden shows signs of life. By this time the waiting list for greenhouses is at it’s largest.

Experienced greenhouse growers will already be ordering their seeds for sowing in a heated propagator and by early March, whilst the rest of the garden sleeps, seedlings will be showing. If you want to steal a march and get full use of your greenhouse this year you really need to be thinking about your greenhouse needs now.