Israel Trying to Bring Lev Tahor Home..

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
The Lev Tahor cult is going through some challenging times, with a couple of its leaders being found dead within the last few weeks. It might all be innocent or it might be something mysterious and nefarious - either way it is a challenging time for the cult and its crazy members.
Which means it is an opportunity for the rest of the Jewish nation, and specifically Israel. An opportunity to break this cult, to bring its members back into the fold and to get them the help they need.
JPost is reporting that Israel has put together an offer to bring them all to Israel and has offered an attractive package of benefits in the hope to sway them to come home. They are even saying the benefits package offered to the Lev Tahor members is unprecedented and the most attractive package ever offered.
Maybe they can come on a Nefesh bNefesh flight and we can all sing Zionist songs and dance for them at the airport
But seriously, I think it is wonderful that Israel is trying to bring them home and get them the help they need, though with our luck they'll probably relocate these crazies to Bet Shemesh...
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