Israel Places Jews of the World in Danger.

Posted on the 20 January 2024 by Doggone

 I haven't really gotten in to Zionism, other than to say its the belief in a Jewish homeland, which doesn't need to be in Palestine since Herzl mentioned Patagonia in Der Judenstadt and Uganda was floated at another conference: so my suggestions of Greenland or Utah are valid.
Oh, and that Zionism really has nothing to do with Judaism since most of them are Christians, and Christian Zionism has been around for longer than Jewish Zionism. Which gets to the third point.
Zionism has always had a symbiotic relationship with anti-semitism. In fact, it's zionism which is anti-semitic since what is the first thing Anti-semites do?

Round up the Jews and herd them into ghettos.

That said, this is in French, Tant pis si vous ne comprenez pas le français, vous devriez apprendre une ou deux autres langues, cela vous fera du bien. But, it's a Jewish person saying that Israel isn't safe for Jews and it doesn't make Jews safe outside of Israel either.