Isabelle's 10 Month Check in

By Sjay235 @naturalmommainm
Double digits!! Another two months have flown past. It's scary to think that the next time I do an 'Isabelle check in' it will be her first birthday! Where has that time gone? Since her 8 month check in, we have of course celebrated her first Christmas, so it's been a pretty busy time in the Jay household. Isabelle has been changing so much that she is almost unrecognisable from the 8 month old I posted about last time.
So, here is her 10 month check in.

Vital stats:Weight: 20lbs 6oz
Teeth: 2 (still)
Likes:WalkingBathtimeHer musical instrumentsBlocksLooking out the windowJacobClappingRice cakesRough and tumble playTalking on Facetime to granny and grandadMeeting her friends at our baby classesPatting the dogPorridgeYoghurtHer flashing sensory ballCarrotDrinking waterChilliSwimmingMessy Pig (book)
Dislikes:BananaMe leaving her to do the hoovering

Daily life:Isabelle has a pretty set daily routine at the minute. She has three 30minute naps (9am, 12.30pm and 3.30pm) and goes to bed around 7pm. 
We are out and about everyday - still going to our breastfeeding group and baby sensory class, and visiting family and friends as well. Recently, we've been out to a few one off events/meetings as well which have been fun, and taken us a little further afield.
When we're at home, we alternate play time between the living room and the playroom, keeping different toys in each to mean we have lots to keep us interested - her favorite is definitely the playroom.
Her gross motor skills have come on in leaps and bounds since Christmas. She now wants to be up on her feet all the time, and uses her push-along walker (or anything else that moves) to help her walk round the house at lightning speed. She also walks holding on to our hands, and can cruise the furniture too.
We celebrated Christmas with my family, and Isabelle was well spoilt with lots of lovely gifts and clothes. She was a little upset by the change in routine, as the whole week was quite 'people heavy', but she was great and enjoyed spending time with everyone, especially when her Granny and Grandad visited from Norfolk.

After following the baby led weaning approach, since before Christmas Isabelle has been eating exactly what Simon and I eat at tea time. She generally eats pretty well, and is good at picking out the bits she wants, and leaves anything she couldn't be bothered with.
Coming up:Right now we are on a trip to London, then to visit Simon's family for a few days. We have a few family birthdays coming up in March, and then it will be Isabelle's birthday! Lots more on this over the next few weeks...