Is Your Facebook Page Being Seen?

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

There’s nothing more annoying that having a ton of Facebook Fan Page LIKES and yet no communication between you and your fans. Why is this? Is your content boring OR are your Fans just not seeing your updates?

Chance are, you’re not boring. I’d bet that it’s because Facebook continues to make it tough on us!

But we cannot let Facebook win, right?

So, it’s up to US, the Fan Page Administrator, to ensure our Fans are seeing our juicy information we are sharing!

It’s as simple as this:

  • You Click the LIKE button on a Fan Page
  • Next, Click the FOLLOWING button 

(As shown below)

Now, whenever your Fan Page posts an update, you will see it in your Facebook Feed!

You could be missing out on some good stuff! So, PLEASE go back and check your Facebook Fan Pages, especially My Girly Parts, and ensure that FOLLOWING button is checked! If not, go ahead and CLICK it! It’s not going to bite you, just CLICK it! :)

I hope this has helped you as much as it’s helped me!

Thanks in advance for your continued support! Muwah!