Is Your Analyst Certified? Why Data Certification is Important

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

Although the concept of big data has been around for decades, there is generally a better understanding of how it can progress businesses. Now it is easier than ever to access big data and apply analytics to get considerable value from it, allowing for a better understanding of customers and their buying preferences being amongst other things.

The Benefits of Data Certification 2017

These days the benefits of big data analytics are immeasurable due to the fact that technology has progressed to such a degree that data can be accessed more efficiently than ever. A few years ago, the process of gathering information, running analytics and unearthing relevant data for future business decisions was a lengthy process.

Now it is possible to use big data to run a more effective operation and be more proactive with your buyers for a more profitable future.

Because big data has become such a complex field, it's now more important than ever to make sure your analysts have full certification, which is why more organizations are choosing to outsource this analysis. Gathering data is one thing but understanding how the information can be applied for the benefit of a particular business is quite another and that's something a certified analyst can bring to the table.

The benefits of hiring a certified data analyst are that you can achieve the following objectives with their technical knowhow of how big data works:

  • You can improve your business decisions by exploring and mining big data to create a visual model of your operation.
  • Get meaningful information about your customers and drive better engagement and brand loyalty.
  • Enhance your cyber security.
  • Gain real-time visibility of your business operation including customer experience, transactions and behavioral patterns.

Businesses have a requirement for big data professionals if they want to improve efficiency and enhance their business models. Big data certification provides a benchmark standard of the technical skills required to do the job and as data analysts usually work autonomously, it's important to have documented proof that they're up to the job.

Businesses that embrace big data can use it to progress their business by identifying new opportunities and how operations can be streamlined. Aside from making better business decisions the other benefits of big data analysis include the ability to gauge customer preferences and satisfaction with your goods or services.

This can help to identify new products that might improve your profitability or conversely, which products from your range aren't a hit with customers.

Businesses can also see a significant cost reduction if they hire a certified data analyst because they are able to streamline their operation and improve sales volumes to improve margins. With the ability to understand what your customers want, comes the power to deliver it to them quickly and ahead of the competition.

Big data has tremendous value in business and also serves to provide a better experience for consumers, which ultimately drives more sales in the future. 🙂