Is Winter Over Yet?

By Erynecarter06

I’m just going to be brutally honest here.

I’m friggen done with the cold weather. DONE.

I know it’s still February, but March is right around the corner. It should be warmer. I blame the nearly 50 degrees we had last weekend for making me feel this way. If you’re not going to stick around, then don’t show up at all.

Maybe I’m over-reacting a bit. I live in New England. It’s cold in the winter. And we have long winters. But this year, it seems like it’s never going to end! I religiously check the 10 day forecast in hopes of a 50 degree day popping up, but now I’m ready to give up because it’s just too depressing.

I want warmth. I’m not asking for 80 degree warmth, just warm enough that I don’t have to wear 15 layers every time I want to go outside. I mean seriously, I’m done looking like Randy the from ‘A Christmas Story’.


This post from ‘Buzzfeed’ pretty much sums up everything I feel about this winter. Every phase I’ve gone through, and probably will go through.

All I can say is enough is enough.

Mother Nature, please be kind and bring us some warmer weather… for good.