Is Trump Starting To Lose His Best Supporters ?

Posted on the 26 July 2018 by Jobsanger

The three groups that have consistently supported Donald Trump and given him the highest job approval numbers are Whites, White men, and Whites with no college education. As you can see from the charts above, they have given Trump much higher job approval ratings than the general public.
But note what has happened in the last month. Among all Whites, Trump's job approval has dropped 8 points. Among White men, his job approval has dropped 5 points. And among Whites w/o college, his job approval has dropped 8 points. Those are all significant drops, and they are the lowest numbers they have given Trump.
Has Trump's embrace of Putin bothering some of his supporters? Is that a step too far, even for some of the true believers? And more importantly, does this show that his supporters (at least some of them) have a limit to what they will accept from Trump?
The charts reflect the numbers from the Quinnipiac University Poll -- the most recent being done between July 18th and 23rd of a national sample of 1,177 voters, with a 3.5 point margin of error.