Donald Trump has bragged that his administration is running smoothly, and that those who report otherwise are creating "fake news". But a significant majority of the American public knows that is just another one of his lies. By a 30 point margin, the public says his administration is running chaotically (62% chaotic and 32% smoothly).
And that is also the opinion of both sexes, all age groups, all races/ethnicities, all living environments (rural, suburban, urban), all regions of the country, and both Democrats and Independents. Only Republicans disagree.
These are the results found in a new Morning Consult / Politico Poll -- done between April 26th and May 1st of a random national sample of 1,991 registered voters, with a margin of error of 2 points.
The poll also asked those registered voters who they prefer right now in the coming congressional election. It shows the Democrats have a 9 point advantage over Republicans.