Is This the FINAL Cover for AVENGERS #24.Now “Rogue Planet”?

Posted on the 10 September 2013 by Geekasms @geekasms

Above is the cover image that Marvel has released for Avengers #24.Now, which marks the beginning of the storyline “Rogue Planet” and features the title getting a new #1 as part of the All-New Marvel NOW! which seems to be spinning out of events from the current Infinity event.  No one can argue it’s a stunning looking cover, and while I feel weird looking at a Captain America with what appears to be a smirk on his face, one particular aspect of the cover caught my eye:

While all the characters are given a pose as if they’re taking a team photo, Wolverine just doesn’t look quite right.  His arm is out somewhat awkward, which makes me feel that either A.  They caught him in the middle of the Chicken Dance, or B. He has his arm propped up on the should of someone, or some thing, and this isn’t the completed cover or team.  Who or what it could be, I have no idea.  It could be something that would be considered a spoiler for the end of Infinity and that’s why we are given this cover.  To give hype to the new book, without spoiling the events of Infinity.

Only time will tell if this theory proves to be accurate, or this is simply a sign that I need more sleep.  Feel free to sound off below on what you think.