Is the Alternative Left Degenerating into Everything Bad About the Alt Right

Posted on the 09 April 2016 by Calvinthedog

Sarah writes:

If you simply want to be economically Leftist and socially moderate, then the answer is Communitarianism.

The current Alt-Left is quickly becoming the Alt-Right with all manner of white supremacy, conspiracy theories, antisemitism. If that isn’t your thing, you probably won’t be happy there for long. Also except for agreeing to hate the New Left and Identity Politics, neither side has a coherent set of positions that don’t contradict each other.

All the extreme Identity Politics, with the White hatred, calls for White genocide, and self-hating White people, is a product of the uniquely race-obsessed American academia. It has had some success in spreading its ideas to  academics in other countries and outside of academia in America, but just as quickly is drawing criticism from sensible people of all races.

The worst damage though is how successful it has been in convincing people both within the Left and outside the Left that there is a widespread conspiracy in favor of European genocide and causing them to move to extreme positions of racial identity in return. The new shared Alt-Left/Alt-Right mantra is, “Until we are safe, race is all”. A sensible method of survival in the face of an actual race-war conspiracy, but an excellent shortcut to a totalitarianism otherwise.

I suppose it all boils down to that. Do you believe there is a real, potentially successful conspiracy against Whites or not?

I cannot stand the American communitarians. Are they the folks led by Etzioni? They are barely even Democratic Party liberals. They seem like more of this Third Way between the Democrats and the Republicans insanity. Why is it a Third Way? Because the Democratic Party is “too leftwing!” Don’t make me laugh.

The current Alt-Left is quickly becoming the Alt-Right with all manner of white supremacy, conspiracy theories, antisemitism. If that isn’t your thing, you probably won’t be happy there for long.

What Alt Left? The Alt Left barely even exists. The Alt Left is like me and maybe three other blogs, and that’s it.

There is an Alt Left list on Reddit but they are way more Cultural Left than I am, and they are pretty antiracist too. They are sort of a Hard Left Zizek. There is the Leftypol list on 8chan which calls itself Leftist Politically Incorrect, but they are far to the Left of my Alt Left. They are very antiracist and even pro-gay. Plus they have officially come out and called the Alt Left, including this site, just another version of the Alt Right. You are welcome to go post on leftypol, but let me warn you that if you mention this site, they will bash you because they already said that they hate me and consider me to be “the Alt Right with leftwing economics.” They are also very far to the Left – they are basically Communists.

There is also the 3rd Positionist list on the same chan that calls itself “The Alternative Left.” The 3rd Positionists have been accused of being fascists. The good example of a 3rd Positionist group would be the National Bolsheviks or Nazbols led by Eduard Limonov in Russia. More or less Commie nationalists or National Communists.

I do not mind Natcoms at all, but they are in rather short supply. Some of the East European Communist countries have been accused of having Natcoms governments. The 3rd Positionist list has spoken highly of this site, but some on there dislike some essential elements of the Alt Left such as being pro- White, saying that there is no such nationality called “White.” They would be more for national identity at a national level. They have called this site somewhere in between the leftypol and the Third Positionist list, with me being closer to the Third Positionists on some points. This is probably correct. I am indeed probably to the right of Leftypol and to the left of Third Positionist. Even the sound of the word “fascist” makes me want to run and hide under the bed.

So where do people get this idea that the Alt Left is degenerating into “White Supremacy, conspiracy theory and anti-Semitism?” I certainly hope that this part of the Alt Left is not degenerating into something like that. That’s not where I want to take this movement.

All the extreme Identity Politics, with the white hatred, calls for white genocide, and self-hating white people, is a product of the uniquely race-obsessed American academia. It has had some success in spreading its ideas to  academics in other countries and outside of academia in America, but just as quickly is drawing criticism from sensible people of all races.

This is a superb summary of the anti-White nature of all IdPol movements at this point, along with a great description of its genesis, spread and emergent effects.

The current Alt-Left is quickly becoming the Alt-Right with all manner of white supremacy, conspiracy theories, antisemitism. If that isn’t your thing, you probably won’t be happy there for long. Also except for agreeing to hate the New Left and identity politics, neither side has a coherent set of positions that don’t contradict each other.

This is absolutely correct. Except for hatred of the Cultural Left and IdPol, the Alt Right and the Alt Left have absolutely noting in common, and sadly, we are actually enemies on many issues. The Left-Right divide in current US society is just too strong. Robert Stark’s recent interview with Keith Preston points this out very well. It would not be an extreme statement to say that the Alt Left (at least my wing) and the Alt Right, in their current formations, basically hate each other. It makes me sad to say that, but it’s still true, I have to admit.

The worst damage though is how successful it has been in convincing people both within the Left and outside the Left that there is a widespread conspiracy in favor of European genocide and causing them to move to extreme positions of racial identity in return. The new shared Alt-Left/Alt-Right mantra is, “Until we are safe, race is all”.

Once again, this is a superb summary of the genesis of both the Alt Right and the Alt Left, both of which frankly stem from the excesses of IdPol. IdPol has now gotten so extreme and crazy that even folks on the Left like me who have been supporters of the Cultural Left most of their lives are starting to abandon it. It is also an excellent summary of an/the essential component of the both the Alt Right and Alt Left at this moment, which is positive White racial identity.

A sensible method of survival in the face of an actual race-war conspiracy, but an excellent shortcut to a totalitarianism otherwise.

I suppose it all boils down to that. Do you believe there is a real, potentially successful conspiracy against whites, or not?

This is also brilliant and correct. Of course “Until we are safe, race is all” is a great mantra in the case of any actual conspiracy to wipe out any group, whether race, nationality, ethnic group or religion. On the other hand though, if there is no actual conspiracy to wipe out Whites then this mantra is just, in my opinion, silly or even stupid. It’s not evil as most would say it is. I just think that “Until we are safe, race is all” at this point in time is stupid. What’s the point? Why bother with a new White Identity Politics? It’s just another form of Idpol after all, with all of the baggage that goes along with all of the rest of Idpol. White Idpol is still Idpol. Let’s not kid ourselves here.

I suppose it all boils down to that. Do you believe there is a real, potentially successful conspiracy against whites, or not?

There is no real, potentially successful conspiracy against Whites in the West at the moment, but there is one in South Africa, that’s for sure. Whites are definitely under attack in South Africa. That’s just an indisputable fact.
