Is Self-promotion Always Shameless? Maybe.

By Guerrillamom @mariaguido
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of designing, marketing, and pimping my blog.  Magnets, necklaces, new cards, media kits... holy shit - my head is spinning.

Marketing strategy 1.

Networking with gifts.  Yay.

This may not be that impressive - but I designed it and got it onto the blog myself!

In a few days, these endless conference posts will stop, and I will get back to pontificating about playground etiquette, big strollers, and photoshopped models.  But this is what is going on right now:
Blogher 12.
Blogher 12 is the biggest Blogging conference for women, in the world.  This week, nearly 5,000 women are descending upon New York City - to network, market themselves, and learn from the pros.  I will be one of them.  As luck would have it, it is in my city - so I don't have to pay for travel, lodging and all manner of other stuff that I cannot afford.  Thank you, universe.
So, I'm writing this post to say, that if you are a reader and enjoy what I do here (minus all of this week's shameless self-promotion) please visit my Facebook or Twitter page and become a fan or follow - or subscribe to the blog on the right column of this page.  Do all of those things, and you will be my cyber BFF.  These numbers apparently mean something to all of the media outlets I am trying to connect with.  I think they want to know that people actually read what I write.  Go figure.
These links will take you right to my pages.  Yes, I am shameless.  But I will basically do anything to craft a life for myself that doesn't include pouring other people wine, working endless hours, and still not being able to afford to send my child to daycare.
If you are going to Blogher - see you there.  If you are waiting for these endless Blogher posts to stop -  bear with me and see you next week!