Subir: I don’t think people here appreciate the driving force behind the Bannon-sponsored immigration orders.
Bannon wants to reverse the demographic changes that have occurred in this country after the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act was passed. This is about making America White Again. Very literally. Secondarily it is about Making America Christian Again.
That’s why the white-supremacists love Bannon and Trump. They want a separation of races and religions.
I will have to do a diary about this because people keep assuming this is about illegal immigration or employers or some other shit like that. It’s not. It’s about racial purity, plain and simple.
Ellid: We rarely agree, but I think you have a point on this. Bannon and the other racists do not at all like the idea of America becoming browner, even though demographically it’s inevitable.
These superb comments were taken from Daily Kos. I actually had never before thought of Bannon’s project in this way, but this may indeed explain his goals in part, and it also explains why he is such a hero to the Alt Right.
Some feel that Trump’s right-hand man Bannon has a “make America White again” agenda of reversing the White demographic decline after the 1965 Immigration Act and years of illegal immigration. There does not seem to be any sense to all of these anti-immigrant decrees except to attack immigrants solely on the basis that they are largely non-European. If immigrants were mostly Swedes and Italians, these anti=immigrant projects would not be underway.
Even the illegal immigration project is mostly about race and culture. If we had 11 million Norwegians and Portuguese illegal aliens living here, no one would care. In fact, there would be a clamor to legalize them.
This is why the White Supremacists on the Alt Right are so ecstatic about Bannon. These people also want to halt White demographic decline and even reverse it if possible. This is actual one of the Alt Right’s Number top projects, if not the top project. It is only in looking the demographic changes flowing from Bannon’s anti-immigrant decrees that these executive orders start to make sense. I believe that Bannon may indeed be on board with the White Supremacist project to halt White demographic decline and even reverse it if possible.