Is It Worth Switching To WhizComms As Your Next Home Internet Service Provider?

By Huney_84
Hi Huneybees,

Local fiber broadband plan war is hotting up with the entrance of a new Internet Service Provider (ISP) - WhizComms - and if my fellow Huneybees are currently / planning to shop for the best deal in home fibre brandband service, this post will definite benefits you!

Promised to offer the lowest price for 1Gbps home fiber broadband, with the shortest contract,WhizComms has recently launched a whole new home broadband service in town called the "WhizComms" and I have the opportunity to help my fellow Huneybees test out its new 1Gbps Home Fibre Broadband Plan to see if it is worth the switch to this new telecommunication service provider.
For the purpose of comparison, I have WhizComms match up with the arguably most competitive fiber brandband player in Singapore - MyRepublic - of a similar 1 Gbps plan and with some help from the global broadband speed test service by Ookla.
The hardware (routers) used are for the testing are the Air Live AC1200R supplied by WhizComms and ASUS RT-AC66U recommended by MyRepublic, both capable of doing dual band concurring and support 802.11ac wireless standard.
The results are as follow:
While the result by showed that MyRepublic delivers higher bandwidth as compare to WhizComms on 4G Wi-Fi network, both works seamlessly (without any loading glitch) while I was running four (4) hours of continuous video streaming on both my IPad2 and Samsung S7 edge mobile phone.

In term of both upload and response time wise, there is negligible difference between both service providers as shown above.
Moving to the faster but shorter coverage of 5G Wi-Fi connection, here's where MyRepublic really shines over WhizComms'.

In all the three (3) test for download, upload and response time test, MyRepublic 5G Wi-Fi outshine every department of WhizComms'.
In honesty, unless you are an avid gamer who plays multi-player online games like League of Legends or Overwatch, I really doubt it matters if you are connect to 4G or 5G Wi-Fi network for your normal video streaming or web browsing. At least that's what I am doing.

ISP MyRepublic WhizComms WhizComms WhizComms WhizComms

monthly $49.99 $36.00 $32.00 $45.00 $37.00

Subscription period 2 years 1 year 2 years 1 year 2 years

Router $250 voucher No No Free Rental Free Rental

Looking at the subscription fee, WhizComms certainly live up to its promise of lowest price for 1Gbps home fibre broadband, with the shortest contract.
What's more if you will to subscribe before 14th June, you will get your last 3 month subscription for free! Remember to use the promo code: POSTCEE2017 to enjoy the promo!

In my conclusion to my fellow Huneybees,  unless you are into demanding online gaming, WhizComms' home fibre broadband service is certainly my pick for your money.
Common sense tells all of us that there's no reason to subscribe to two years contact when you can do with one...unless you are getting a very good deal like a mobile phone at a fraction of its retail price, in the case of Telco!
I'm very sure there will also be more and better deals as the fibre broadband plan wars hots up further more in the foreseeable future, especially when Next Gen National Broadband Network (Next gen NBN) is fully rolled out!
No router? I promise you can find better deal on Carousell/Shopee than from any of these fibre brandband vendors, both alike!

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