Is It True That Sexually Sadistic Serial Killers Rarely Have Partners?

Posted on the 07 May 2017 by Calvinthedog

Paula: TWO killers is odd….two sadistic people who commit crimes together is very very unusual….I’m leaning towards one person with a grudge and one person tagging along, IF there were indeed two people….

This is a very common belief and you hear this all the time. Particularly women seem to believe that these fellows usually act alone. I suppose women in particular find it impossible to understand how two men could find each other and plot a series of the worst crimes of all. Men find it hard too. I mean I have had some bad friends who stole, shot drugs, you name it. They had done a few stints in jail. I’ve had some really bizarre conversations with my friends. You name it, we discussed it. But never in my life have I had a friend say, “Hey Bob, let’s go out rape, torture and murder some women. What do you say?” I cannot fathom a conversation like that between two men. Where on Earth do they find each other?

But actually these men acting with partner(s) is quite common. Sexual sadists often have partners in crime. Usually another man or even men, but sometimes a woman – a wife or girlfriend. The woman comes under the influence of the man, and that is why she helps him to commit these crimes. She usually is not bad per se. In other words, if she had not hooked up with that bad boyfriend or husband, she would probably never have done such a thing.

I believe Freeway Killer William Bonin had maybe six accomplices. Dean Corll had many accomplices too. One of the Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murders is thought to involve three men. The Smiley Face Murders, bizarre drownings of up to 90 young college men in the middle of the US, if these are even real crimes at all, are thought to involve a number of people, maybe up to 3-4 men, operating out of a van.

The Hillside Stranglers, the Sunset Strip Murders, Bittaker and Norris, it goes on and on. It is suspected that Randy Kraft‘s roommate, a deep S/M freak, helped him to commit some of the murders.

The latter four are right here in southern California, and they were all operating in a short period of time in the late 1970’s.

The Operation Miranda killers, Charles Ng and Leonard Lake, Otis Toole and Henry Lee Lucas, the list goes on and on.

Ken and Barbie Killers Paul Bernardi and Karla Homulka and Sunset Strip Killers Doug Clark and Carol Bundy are two cases where the female partners of the men participated in the crimes. In both cases, the women willingly went along with the crimes and even helped participate in them. After a while, they came to enjoy committing these crimes and even got into the sexual aspect of them. Homulka and Bundy are both pretty sociopathic, but if those women never met those men, they never would have done anything like this.

In addition to the above, I can think of three other cases where men had partners, in two cases, two men as a team in one case and a man and a woman who came under his influence in the other. Problem is I cannot remember the names of the killings nor the participants.

And I think there are more cases than I have gone over above.