Is It Possible For Postnatal Depression To Come Back?

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Is It Possible For Postnatal Depression To Come Back?

I feel at my wits end.  I suffered from really bad postnatal depression, in fact it was puerperal psychosis and I had extreme panic attacks after the birth of my 2nd baby.  I was close to the. I was nearly got sectioned.

My youngest child is now 3 years old and I was told I’m clear of postnatal depression but to be honest I feel worse than ever.

I’ve suffered with depression on and off since the age of 12. I can be at a total high and just drop to nothing, feeling tearfully or even extremely angry and frustrated. I can’t cope with this anymore.

I have just moved hundreds miles away from my home and I am struggling to settle in. I’ve been to see my GP where I am now.  It was useless; she just keeps saying I don’t need meds again she thinks it’s just the stress of such a big move and won’t listen to me.

I went to another doc for 2nd opinion and he said he agrees with my GP and to allow myself time before I turn to meds.

This was few weeks back and I’ve been back but still nothing, no help.

Is it possible for postnatal depression to come back or is this just depression?

I wake up some day’s fine, others I don’t want to get out bed.

I’m tearful or have no patience at all. It’s not fair on everyone. I’m taking it out everyone around me and the doctors just don’t want to listen.

I can’t cope going on like this anymore. I never know how I will feel  when I wake up each day.