Is It Okay To Dog Ear Your Pages?

By Robert Bruce @robertbruce76

Is it okay to dog ear your pages?

My answer: Absolutely!

Write all up in there, too. Write in the margins, underline words and passages, circle phrases you like. And dog ear to your heart’s content.

That’s just my opinion. Dog-earing pages and writing inside of books shows effort. It shows you’ve spent time there and appreciated the content of those pages—as opposed to opening a book and being unable to tell whether it’s ever been read.

It’s like your family room. If your house is on the market, you’re going to clean that room up and make it look as clean as a museum, as if no one has touched anything in months. That looks nice and pretty.

But when you go into that same room and you see a blanket and pillow on the couch, and you see a laptop on the coffee table and a pair of shoes on the floor, that shows something else: It shows love, comfort, and hospitality. It truly feels like home.

So that’s a roundabout way of saying I find it perfectly fine, even commendable, to dog ear your book’s pages.

You’ve spent time with that book. You’ve appreciated the words and the time the author spent in crafting them.

So my question for you is: Do you dog ear?
