is It Coincidence?

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

I realized this morning that I “started” blogging again on June 1st!

is this coincidence??

I don’t know! But I do know that it could be my OCD subconscious at work. I’m in process of a whole big blog re-design too, to celebrate my coming back. I think the actual blog will change too. I don’t know exactly what it will become, except that it will still focus on food and fitness. Why?

Because I LOVE taking pictures of food! But I don’t know exactly what “healthy” means anymore. It used to mean small portions, cooking most things I ate, nothing premade, eating lots of salads and low-caloric meals. Now… healthy is just living. Maybe my blog will just be about living for a while. Anyways, I’m having a professional designer make a banner for me and the new look. I can’t wait to put it up and show you!


Maren’s Huevos Rancheros!

Always spicy, always delicious.

Last Night- a recap

I had my final seminar class for Italian Renaissance Women. We actually had a party, with food and everything while we listened to the last four paper presentations.

People brought fruit salad, grapes, cookies, mini cupcakes, brownie bites and dumdums. I had a little sampler but I didn’t want to ruin my dinner.


Last night Max and I went to Burger., a burger joint in Santa Cruz right at the base of campus.

It’s this super hip place that serves all these gourmet burgers, pizzas, hotdogs, and beers. Some of the burgers are even named after pop culture icons; like the Chuck Norris or the Snookie (which is made with grilled cheeses as buns!).

Once we ordered we were given a celeb’s mug shot instead of a number.


Vanilla Ice. *Ice, Ice Baby! Do do do do do-do-do-doooo… Max ordered a beer and I had diet soda.


His beer was titled something outrageous like Scrimptions, Scallywag, Something Something. It was a black beer. Very strong and malty.

Finally our food came. Max had a normal burger with fries and I had the D.F. Wallace sliders. Which are lobster and crab sliders on a bed of sweet potato fries.

Holy Heck delicious! It tastes like street food


The flavors were amazing. I could really taste the chunks of lobster and crab. The sauce was tangy and mustardy, with chunks of zucchini and other veggies in it. I was in hog [slider] heaven

I couldn’t finish all my fries but I definitely ate all my mini burgers. I can’t let those minis go to waste.


I’m really thinking about what healthy means these days. What does healthy mean to you?