Is Humid January a Healthy Alternative to Dry January?

By Elliefrost @adikt_blog

We're already over a week into January, and if you're trying not to drink alcohol this month (a trend known as 'Dry January'), it may seem like February can't come soon enough. But some sober-curious influencers and health professionals say there's another way: "Damp January," which means cutting back on booze without eliminating it completely.

The term, which is trending on TikTok, is open to interpretation. For Shelly Rose, whose post on the subject has been viewed more than 450,000 times, this means "not dry, just not as wet as usual." For Lauren Wilensky, who originally planned to do sober January, this means drinking only on the weekends, or maybe occasionally over dinner. Her video has 31,000 views and 2,286 likes.

"There has been a trend for years to reduce alcohol consumption after the holidays and at the start of the new year," says Aimee Chiligiris, PsyD, a clinical psychologist at NewYork-Presbyterian Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York City. That's a good thing, she adds, because "it emphasizes wellness and provides an opportunity to improve health."

What is Humid January?

The term Damp January, or sometimes dry January or semi-dry January, started making the rounds on social media towards the end of the pandemic. Before 2020, alcohol consumption was declining, especially among Gen Z consumers, industry research shows, but it shot up again by 54 percent during the pandemic, according to Nielsen data. Twenty months later, more than a third of consumers surveyed reported that they were still drinking more than before the emergence of COVID-19.

Damp January could be an attempt to change those habits, especially given that alcohol consumption tends to rise in the winter. In a survey of 3,000 American adults by American Addiction Centers, a leading provider of addiction treatment resources, 1 in 5 admitted to drinking more when the weather is cold, and 83 percent reported that they are more likely to drink alcohol when they feeling down. during the winter months than in the summer.

"We recognized that for many people, moderating their alcohol intake can be much more helpful and compelling than quitting cold turkey or complete abstinence," said Vedant Pradeep, co-founder and CEO of alcohol reduction app Reframe. A semi-dry period seems more feasible - and sustainable: while two-thirds of Reframe users who attempted a Dry January in 2023 completed it, 80 percent of those committed to a Damp January stayed on track. Perhaps more importantly, 63 percent of users who did a Damp January were still drinking less six months later, the company reported.

Why do people participate in Damp January? For many, it is out of concern for their health. In a July 2023 Gallup poll, the third most common reason why Americans didn't drink was that alcohol is bad for your health.

"Any reduction in alcohol consumption can have positive emotional and physical health benefits," says Dr. Chiligiris. A systematic review found that less alcohol meant fewer accidents and sick days, better cardiovascular health and better mental health. Last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a statement saying that no level of alcohol consumption can be considered safe for health, and that alcohol was classified as a group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer decades ago.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 recommends that adults limit alcohol intake to two drinks or less per day for men, or one drink or less per day for women, and states that "drinking less is better for your health than drinking more. "

"If you're going from oversaturated to dehydrated, I think that's a good idea," says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, a registered dietitian in New York City and author of Read it before you eat it: from label to table, say. "I like it because it's baby steps, and it puts the ball in your court and decides whether or not you drink."

RELATED: The non-alcoholic cocktail movement

Humid January vs. Dry January: What's the Difference?

While Damp January may mean something different to everyone who participates, Dry January is simpler: absolutely no alcohol - be it wine, beer, spirits or cocktails - for 31 days, explains Hilary Sheinbaum, a journalist in New York City and author of The dry challenge. She tried an alcohol-free month for the first time in January 2017 with a bet - and has continued the tradition ever since.

"Don't get me wrong, I've done wet months, and one-drink months, for the past eight years, but personally I find that abstaining from alcohol for more than 31 days has the most positive impact on your health. my physical and mental health," she says. "And Dry January has become a tradition that I enjoy participating in and look forward to - especially after the holidays."

For other people who might treat Dry January as a crash-and-burn fad diet, Damp January might be a better idea, says Taub-Dix. "If you're super restrictive, chances are it's going to come back with a vengeance at the end of the month." Instead, she suggests, experiment with cutting back to see if, for example, your sleep problems are actually booze-related or if your nightly wine-while-cooking habit can be painlessly replaced with a nice tea or tonic. "It might teach you that you don't need to drink as much as you thought," she says.

How do you do humid January?

If you want to try Damp January for yourself, experts recommend the following steps.

  • Be specific. "The key is to avoid vagueness," says Pradeep. "Set clear, achievable goals that reflect your individual needs and commitment. When you do that, Damp January becomes a meaningful and adaptable practice, rather than a one-size-fits-all solution."
  • Join a community. Apps and communities like Reframe, which is based in neuroscience, abound to help people achieve and structure their drinking-related goals. There's also British-based Club Soda, which promotes conscious drinking; Try Dry, which helps you set goals and track your booze-free days; the Alcohol Experiment, which aims to change your views on alcohol; and countless other down-to-earth, curious social media and IRL groups.
  • Recruit a friend. Likewise, Sheinbaum recommends starting the month with a friend, whether it's dry or wet. "There's strength in numbers, and it's important to have support, especially as you go through the month and make plans that don't involve drinking," she said. "With that, create a calendar of non-drinking events that you look forward to!"
  • Stock up on non-alcoholic alternatives, if that's your thing. The non-alcoholic drinks market is booming, with NielsenIQ reporting that the sector's market value has grown by 31 percent. Non-alcoholic drinks are "a great way to enjoy a sophisticated sip during a night out, dinner or any activity - without getting a buzz or a hangover," Sheinbaum said. Just a word of caution: According to the Recovery Village, drinks that mimic the taste and texture of their alcoholic counterparts can be a trigger for some people, especially those in traditional recovery programs. So opt for soda, juice or sparkling water if that's true. for you.
  • Be thoughtful. Instead of struggling through your non-drinking days, take the opportunity to really notice the benefits and make behavioral changes, says Chiligiris. "Something that is often overlooked in discussions about Dry or Damp January is the importance of understanding your own drinking habits and the reasons behind them," says Pradeep. "It's not just about taking a break from alcohol; it is also an opportunity for introspection and to develop a healthier relationship with drinking."
  • Practice self-compassion. If you drink more than you planned, give yourself grace and try again the next day or month. Habits, especially when they involve addictive substances, are hard to break - and any time of year is a good time to try to change them. "It's not a failure," Pradeep said. "It's an adjustment toward finding a healthier lifestyle that suits your needs and moves you toward a happier, healthier self."

Should you try humid January?

The vast majority of people can benefit from reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption, even temporarily. After all, robust research has shown that the substance has exactly zero health benefits and is linked to an increased risk of multiple cancers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

But if you are a heavy drinker and may be physically dependent on alcohol, quitting Cold Turkey can be dangerous. In that case, you should consult a licensed physician or addiction psychiatrist before attempting to reduce your use, Chiligiris says. If cutting back on alcohol consumption proves to be a challenge, you can seek support from mental health providers who specialize in substance abuse, she adds.


Humid - or dry or semi-dry - January may be a more accessible alternative to Dry January for some people. How you define the concept is up to you: maybe you choose a few times during the month to drink, maybe you drink only once or twice a week, maybe you reduce the total number of units you usually drink by half or one third.

The result is that you can enjoy the benefits of an alcohol-free life without feeling like you've made a big sacrifice in an already bleak month. But if you are dependent on alcohol, abstinence - and medical support to achieve it - is a safer option for you.