Because I think something good is going on a BK HQ.
They’re trying to attract the Millennials by BEING rather than SAYing, mostly. They are BEING different. They are acting like a brand whose store you’d be okay with someone hashtagging you at.
And not just guys. When they let the King get creepy, it cost them the ladies and they fired the agency that brought them the edge and cool they need to communicate to authenticity-hungry Millennials. And they over-corrected and replaced truly interesting, groundbreaking communications and branding with weak soup.
And weak puns.
But they’re slowly doing more better things than lame things. Some lame things. But mostly better.
In July, they had the best second quarter sales in ten years.
Now, here’s the trick: they need to calibrate. They’re not out of the woods.
They key is to keep the communications from seeming not too male, and not too wimpy.
I think this Halloween burger with the black bun that they imported from another country is ideal, even if not everyone loves it (see above). Reminds me of the suggestion that Simpsons writer made to McDonald’s to bring stuff from other companies in for an LTO now and then—and a black bun is perfect for a Halloween promo.
I even think it’s good that social media is full of reports it turns people’s poo green. Talk! Chatter! Relevancy! A little gross, but it’s obviously not their intention to be gross so they get a pass. So to speak.
It’s Halloween—the season where even respectable grownups get a little weird.
And BK gets attention. And they seem edgy.
Back where they used to belong.
Keep up the unexpected and unusual work, King.