Is 2020 Over Yet?

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

Sweater Series: Seventeenth Installment

Doesn't this year seem to go on and on and on. It has been forever. Not that 2021 will magically change anything, but at least we would have moved past the 2020 memes and internet would come up with some new content to entertain me. I am truly unimpressed and disinterested with all the REELS and TikToks of the world. Even the streaming services have been mostly disappointing in what they have to offer. On top of that WW1984 was such a let down. Where is all the good content? Le Sigh!

Moving on to the last sweater in the series, also the one of the two 'fancy' sweaters I own ... this one is the one I bring out during the holidays for an outing or brunch. I bought it from Bloomingdales a few years back. It was on SALE and also on my wishlist, so how could I resist. I know I will be getting a lot of wear out of it season after the other.  

Location - Downtown Silver Spring, Maryland
Skirt | Sweater | Shoes