Irritating Plant of the Month February 2017 - the Viburnum

By Ozhene @papaver
This plant is clearly very irritating.  This small viburnum bodnantense has created its own demise by its sheer level of irritatingness (ok that is not a word, sorry).
Flossy has kindly agreed to demonstrate the issue.  This small shrublet when placed on the table in the garden is at the perfect height for a cat to use to scratch their face.  Sometimes they even like to have a bit of a chew at it as well.  It is no surprise then that it is not thriving.  It is possibly a bit of a surprise that I have not moved it to stop this from happening.  It is probably too late for that now, but I shall place it in the greenhouse for a while to see if it gives it a much needed pause.
Poor thing.