Irish Respond to Muslim Invasion

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

A violent letter has been sent to the mosques and schools of Ireland. We at FOTM do not support violence, but are aware of muslim intimidations against all free people. Some Irish have decided to turn the tide of the muslim invasion, and betrayed by their elected leaders, have issued a stark warning.

The Irish Resistance

Irish Citizens Stand Against Muslim Invasion

Posted by: Rick Wells Posted date: November 27, 2013 

Many Muslims in Ireland are shocked by a letter posted to schools and mosques declaring a war against them. They should be shocked that it has taken as long as it has for people across the world to start standing up against their campaign of intimidation.

Gutless politicians don’t stand with the people anymore. In seemingly every country across the globe, the political positions are occupied by self-serving, pandering wimps. This letter is clearly born out of a frustration with a lack of positive action on the part of government officials and a willingness of the Irish to defend their nation by taking matters into their own hands. After all, the people are the ones who are chiefly affected, not the bureaucrats.

The anonymous letter has made the rounds of Muslim schools and mosques in Dublin.

While the Muslim groups have and will try to negatively label it otherwise, it is a call to arms for the Irish citizens to recognize the impact of the invasion and the deliberate efforts to supplant the Irish people, their culture, and their traditions with Islam and Sharia law.

The language of the letter is described as intimidating and extremely violent. The obvious neglect to mention the Islamic violence is so outlandish that it is barely deserving of a comment.

A rapid, demanding and threatening spread across the world towards their caliphate is a much publicized goal of Islam. Yet the non-Muslim citizens of the world still continue to ignore the truths that the Islamists themselves acknowledge.

To read the rest of this article in its natural habitat, go to the following link:

Again, FOTM does not promote violence. This is an article about one response in Ireland to the muslim invasion of their Christian nation. Jesus died for all who will turn to Him, including muslims. He wants to save them as much as He wants to save us. The letter spoken of here is poorly worded, violent, and reminiscent of the long conflict between Catholics and Protestants in that country. But people in this tiny island nation are feeling their backs to the wall, and recognize the mortal threat they are facing from jihadists moving into their country, demanding Christian statues be removed nation wide. 

So I put out a question.
How should the Irish respond? ~TD