Ireland Our Last Day

By Coreyamaro

Around the corner from our friend Carrie's house a souvenir from the past stands reminding us to enjoy the moment at hand and guard our memories well. I met Carrie through blogging about four years ago. 

Our daily view.

Cork County. 

Another daily view.

Windy but blue.

My faithful yellow wool coat has served me well, and Yann's leather-weighs-a-ton-flight-jacket that is like his second skin.

Jane and I. Jane is Carrie's friend since childhood. We were three peas in a pod, well actually four counting Yann.

Jane and Carrie. Carrie cannot stand having her photo taken, hence I do not have a single photo of the two of us. Silly, how we are about not liking our photo taken. Because at the end of the day we did not have a photo of the two of us. I have to come back to Ireland to render that problem. Oh wait, it is Carrie's turn to come to my home.

"May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand."

An Irish Prayer.

Thank you Carrie for sharing your Ireland with us.
