After the grand opening of the Apple Store in Mumbai, now the production of iPhone in India can also be increased. In fact, according to the latest reports, iPhone production may be expanded at the Chennai-based facility. After this, the research and development team of Apple’s iPhone can also be brought to India.
Apple’s iPhone maker Foxconn is planning to add two more buildings in India, which are located near Chennai. Apart from this, the company wants to set up a Research and Development Center in Bengaluru, Karnataka. It is clear from this that the company is planning to manufacture iPhone products on a large scale in India. This information has been shared by ET quoting sources.
iPhone production factory is present near Chennai
Let us tell you that Foxconn Hon Hai Technology India facility is located in Sriperumbudur near Chennai. It has been told in the report that Foxconn has indicated on a large scale that it is going to start work for two more buildings. After getting all the approvals about this plan, its detailed information will be given. This clearly indicates that the production of iPhone in India can be expanded.
Apple CEO Tim Cook inaugurated the Apple Store
Let us tell that a day before in India i.e. on April 18, Apple CEO Tim Cook has started Apple Store in India. This is India’s first store and its doors were opened by Tim Cook himself and welcomed Indians. In this store, all the product range of Apple can be seen at one place. Along with this, their experience and questions related to them can also be asked.