iPhone Case Mani Inspiration? I Think So....

By Suma @ThFabJunkie
Hey Junkies!
So after getting out of work today and running around doing errands for 3 hours, I decided to stop at my local Pay/Half Store. Pay/Half is exactly what it sounds like- they carry things at a discounted price for those of you who don't know what i'm talking about.
Moving on...............
I stopped in real quickly and went right to the accessories. Whenever I don't have a real shopping agenda, I normally drift towards the accessories. Buying new accessories always make me happy anyways. Then it happened- I spotted my new iPhone case! It was a blinged out silver MUSTACHE! Knowing that I love anything mustache related judging by my blog post from March 2012,  "Oh Hey There, Mr Mustache" I just knew I had to have it.
Another mustache accessory to add to my growing collection. At least this one is functional.......right?

So I came home and made all my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook friends "jealous" with this picture I posted above. At that time, I was inspired. My new iPhone case brought about this weeks MANI!
Using MAC's "Girl Trouble" from their Glamourdaze line and just simple black polish, I give you my Mustache Mani.
 Check it out! 

Cute and simple! I hope you guys like it. I seriously find inspiration in the weirdest things, but that just reminds me that inspiration is EVERYWHERE....Never stop looking. I know I don't. xo