iPhone 5 Or iPhone 4S – Which Has a Better Camera?

Posted on the 22 February 2013 by Yogeshvashist98 @YogeshVashist98

iPhone 5 is the latest mobile device that has created a buzz in the technical market. However, experts have criticized the poor delivery of iOS 6 Map app, its svelte frame and so on. What do you have to say about its iSight camera? Is it similar to the one you find in iPhone 4S? Well, iPhone 5 camera is an improved version of iPhone 4S.

iPhone 5 vs iPhone 4S Camera – Which is better

The iSight camera of iPhone 5 is an anticipated feature of this mobile device. It is true that Apple did not mention much about its camera but it surely takes pride in stating that the iSight camera of iPhone 5 has low light capacity and better HDR. It is quite surprising to see such an improved camera being crammed into a body 18% thinner than iPhone 4S.

This integration of the camera reveals great engineering achievement since you get outstanding camera quality even from that thin body. iPhone 5 takes pride in providing vibrant picture quality which is considered to a great improvement compared to iPhone 4S. You will really be impressed to see the color accuracy of this mobile device. Majority of the photos have high grade precision and this is what makes it visibly distinct from iPhone 4S.

Try to take test photos with iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 and you will understand the difference. You will certainly be stunned to see the clarity and detailing of each of the iPhone 5 photos. Another remarkable feature of this new phone is its white balance. This is surely the best white balance you have ever experienced in a smartphone based camera.

Again, iPhone 5 camera lens is made of sapphire crystal, a better and harder glass quality. Lens of iPhone 4S has certain visible scratches while the lens of iPhone 5 is less susceptible to scratches.

If you wish to enjoy an incredible speed, you should choose iPhone 5 over iPhone 4S. The shutter button can be tapped without any lag. The best part is that you can take a number of shots with a single click and too without any interruption. Hence, in all respects iPhone 5 camera is much superior in comparison to iPhone 5.

Better color and better display of photography in a way helps the gamers to have an exotic gaming experience, the bookworms the pleasure of reading words and the common users to experience a life-like, vivid and pristine image. Hence, time has come to enjoy a panoramic photo directly from an iPhone camera – it’s the iPhone 5 camera….