iPad Down Sized

Posted on the 16 December 2011 by Spencerinc @spencerincorp

iPhone, iPad and Mini iPad?

A strange thought, the late Steve Jobs would never have let this happen as he thought that a smaller screen could not display the software well enough. But with incredible advances in screens, like then retina screen , a smaller screen could give a new aspect to Apples tablet range.
With the Amazon kindle fire selling millions of units a month a huge part of the tablet market share could be going to Amazon. Apple can't have that so a release of a smaller tablet that could compete with the Kindle Fires low low price tag.
At £400 odd quid the iPad ain't cheap so the Kindle Fire can be a cheaper alternative. At $200 the Fire ticks all the basic tablet boxes and gives you access to the lucrative Amazon eco system.
A September 2012 release is very possible so we'll just have to wait till then to find out the details