
By Lostbutnotfound @lostbutntfound

Products:// Top: Shasa in Mexico,  Shorts: Urban Outfitters,  Flats: Christian Louboutin 
       While in Mexico, I knew it was somewhat my duty to take advantage of the scenery and shoot at least one fashion post, so here it is! When exploring the gorgeous hotel, I found this location, perfect for this outfit. In addition to having a whimsical youthful feel, this outfit is also comfy beyond what meets the eye, which I give a virtual thumbs up. I believe I mentioned this in a previous post, but those battle wound I-just-was-attacked red marks are the result of pale little me exposed to a blazing sun. I am writing this a few days later, and I can assure you I am recovering with my best-friend named "Aloe Vera." In other irrelevant topics, how are you guys dealing with post-christmas depression? I am slowly but surely listening to my christmas playlist less and less. So, moving forward with our lives, what is your new year's resolution?  Please leave me a comment! I light up inside when I see those rare comments every few posts, so please do so, even if you just say hi! Also, if you haven't already, I would appreciate if you would like my Facebook page (<--- click). 
Also, I think I can justify saying I am getting the hang of my picture situation! I have figured out how to make them more streamline, so look forward to pictures of this stature!             Have you followed me on Twitter?  Click here!  In addition, I recently added GFC (Google Friend Connect), so make sure to follow me! It is located on the far right side bar. 
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