iOS App of the Day: Marvel Origins

By Boxmash

How much do you know about your favorite superheores? Can you tell everyone exactly how Tony Stark became Iron Man? Or how Steve Rogers became strong enough to be Captain America? If you’re looking to prove your knowledge or brush up on your hero trivia, Marvel Origins is the app for you. It’s full of great stories and mini-games, all voiced by the creator of Marvel himself: Stan Lee!

The free app comes with the Iron Man: Armored Avenger story, and you can unlock new stories by buying them in the app. Stan Lee will read through the Iron Man story with you and share lots of cool new facts, but keep your eye open for the hidden symbols that need collecting. And be ready for action at any point; when things get heated Iron Man may need to spring into action to save the day, and you’ll need to help!

Marvel Origins can be download free from the App Store. The other stories – Spider-Man, Hulk, and Avengers – can be bought for £1.99 each. Superheroes not your thing? Why not have a look at the Best Apps channel, where there are plenty of other cool games to try out.