[*The September 2017 release date is only my calculated guesstimate based on previous iOS release dates and it may change according to Apple's official plan. As of the date of writing this post, it has been rumored that the iPhone 8's released date will be delayed because of the possible delay in the production of organic LEDs with integrated finger-print sensors; one the other hand, some analysts say that there will be no finger print sensor for iPhone 8 because the technology isn't fully developed yet to be used in its early phase of development. We really don't know what will happen and how will they finalize the designs and features of the upcoming iPhone models and that can affect the official release date of the iOS 11.]
OK, enough of the side-comments and let's go back to the main topic, lol. As promised, here are the screenshots of 4 impressive features that you need to see:
Updated Siri
Redesigned Control Center
Revamped Appstore
The appstore is now simpler with cleaner interface that follows the interface of the music app. Games and Apps were sorted out giving it its own tab for easier access and navigation. Having a dedicated Games and Apps panel doesn't only save us a few taps. The new sections are built with better visual presentation in mind, giving us a richer at-a-glance preview of top titles – with large images and gameplay videos.
The Keyboard
*** There may be other small features not included to the list; however, I believe that the most significant features that you can expect are included on the list with screenshots above. Since it's still very early to conclude how the final designs will come out, expect for possible iterations to the features listed above and to other features not listed. We are still far from receiving the final public version of iOS 11 and developers still have a lot of time to give their best shots in polishing iOS 11 prior to its public release.