Invitation to Be Spirit Hacked - Part Three - Available to Work Off-world

Posted on the 10 May 2013 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

reply here ... if you're keen

Dear spirit-world, parallel-world or off-world entities,
I'm very keen on changing my whole outlook on the universe but (thus far) I've had no proof that anything other than 'this prison planet' exists.
Would you be so kind as to fix it for me to have a job with one of your off-world offices and maybe I can bring the 'spirit of the universe back with me' to spread to my fellow man and live the remaining years in happiness that there's 'something better' to look forward to with an enlightened, educated and aware race of beings as I'm convinced we can become, given the right 'motivation'.
Hell, maybe you'll not even need to see my C.V. - it'd be pointless anyway, I have no spiritual or off-world experience worth bringing to the table. But I would accept an off-world post IN A NEW YORK MINUTE. Just give me a chance to prove myself both curious and brave ... I'd love the off-world challenge, and I have good stamina for all sorts of things, physical and mental.
Please abduct me to a fuller version of the future, be my guide.