Investigators Are Breaking Domestic Infidelity Cases with EasyTracGPS’ ComTrac “Covert Pro”

Posted on the 25 May 2012 by Easytracgps @EasyTracGPS

(Press Release) EasyTracGPS, Inc is a leading provider of GPS tracking and fleet management systems for businesses and consumers worldwide.  Private investigators are using their ComTrac “Covert Pro” GPS vehicle tracking system to assist in domestic infidelity, divorce, and custody cases.

Investigators Are Breaking Domestic Infidelity Cases with EasyTracGPS’ ComTrac “Covert Pro”

CHICAGO, IL, May 24, 2012 – The current economic climate has resulted in many a stressful home life.  A trend in domestic cases is always an unfortunate byproduct of a tough economic situation.  Consumers are seeking private investigators who are thrifty and who are using technology to help stretch a buck.  Investigators continue to turn to EasyTracGPS and their ComTrac “Covert Pro” to help stretch client retainers and improve surveillance results.