From We Don’t Like You Extroverts:
Forced to tolerate mean girls: I wish the extroverts at work would stop getting angry at us quiet people who have to do quality control on their work. They talk all the time, except when we have to show them the corrections we had to make. Then they get sullen and defensive and make snide remarks about how we have “eagle eyes” to find their mistakes. They expect us to take up their slack and cover for them. They gossip about everyone and compliment managers on their clothes and then get all catty after they leave the room. I despise them, but have to tolerate it for now.
This poor Quiet Person has just discovered why misogyny is a thing. But beyond that, she discovered something else, something’s that’s not a thing. That being The Sisterhood.
Feminism is doomed. How? By the simple fact that it is based on the notion of the Sisterhood, and guess what? There is no Sisterhood! Most women I know say that women have treated them much worse than men have.
I know a number of women who tell me that they are female misogynists. They actually hate women. They only like men. They’re sick and tired of their own gender. That’s ok. If they ever get too tired of them, just hand them over to me. I know how to deal with them. If they get too ornery, I’ll just tie them to the bed. That usually calms ’em down right quick!
But yeah, you extroverts realize how annoying you are? If you guys would stop projecting for maybe one minute out of your whole damn lives, you might be able to figure it out, but that would require Introspection, and you all don’t have any. We Quiets patented that invention long ago. And one can have too much of that also, like any good thing. Even water. Don’t believe me? Drink 130 glasses and get back to me, or have the coroner call me instead.