Introducing…The Rochester Gluten Free Guide

By Calvin Eaton @glutenfreechef5

This is most likely (actually) the worst kept special announcement I’ve ever posted on the site. I am just bubbling over with excitement and anticipation to officially announce our first ever “gluten free quarterly magazine”.

The Rochester Gluten Free Food Guide is Rochester’s first ever print & online quarterly publication dedicated to the celiac community and those living a gluten free lifestyle. Born literally from this blog; this “magazine” is so much more than what you are used to from a traditional magazine or newspaper.

The Rochester Gluten Free Food Guide is a completely interactive, ongoing online and social media experience designed to connect Upstate New York’s growing gluten free population with a consortium of small businesses, entrepreneurs, and every day people concerned with their health, well being, and wellness. The mission is to showcase Rochester’s holistic approach to gluten free living through articles, stories, spotlights, and recipes centered on the body, mind, and soul.

Living gluten free is more than food. It’s more than labels. It’s more than diet. It’s about the mind, the body, and the emotional well-being of all persons. All content, advertising, articles, tips, spotlights, showcases, and more will highlight the whole person first. We are all people (first) connected through experiences, illness, life, love, and so much more.

I am SUPER excited to finally bring this experience, a culmination of my life’s work to each and every one of you. Those in Rochester and beyond. Keep locked for more news and announcements as we approach the debut SPRING issue which is tentatively slated for a March 2016 online (3/1) and print (3/24) release.

Until then purchase your one year subscription (4 issues) for just $9.99 by clicking the button below