Introducing Lifestyle & Culture Site - THVT GOOD

Posted on the 03 March 2014 by Oh So Fresh! Music @OhSoFreshMusic

For a while now I've been thinking about running another site that focused on a different theme than what I focus on here. Lifestyle and culture has always fascinated me a lot besides music and I wanted to get this with a particular theme out there. So I've co-founded with a friend of mine THVT GOOD, a place where you'll find style (Clothes, sneakers, etc.), cars, upcoming brands, and the finer things in life we just find dope. We'll be sneaking in some music related stuff as well, but mostly just artist or band profiles. Oh So Fresh should still and will be your main outlet for all music related things. It's not going anywhere, I know all 5 of you were worried, right?
Now, we are looking to have an official site of THVT GOOD out in Spring, but in the meantime the kind of stuff you can expect posted will be shared on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. It obviously won't be as elaborate as what we attend for the site, but you can be sure you'll constantly have fresh things at your fingertips. Please, take a look at our links below and give us a like, a follow, or share with your friends. I'm really excited about it and I love everything related to running a website, even if it can be frustrating at times. The actual domain has a nice "Coming Soon" page, which you can also check out below. You'll be hearing more about this all very soon.
Oh, also if this idea interests you we are looking for the below to join us. Please email with the subject line of the title you'd like, a bit about you, and some previous experience/examples. Thanks!
Posted in: Culture,Feature,Lifestyle,THVT GOOD