I gave up on conventional builders tea many many years ago and as such I’m always on the lookout for interesting herbal blends. Clipper are hands down my favorite brand for alternative teas and I particularly love their range of greens teas. I was delighted when they asked me to become a Clipper Sipper Tea Taster and review their newest tea offerings every month. Anyone can sign up to be a Clipper Sipper so click here if this is something you'd be interested in.
So on to the teas...
First things first, how gorgeous are those boxes? They are far too pretty to store away in a kitchen cupboard! A big thank you to Clipper for letting me use their lovely image.
Rise & Shine
As the name suggests, this tea is designed to be your first cuppa of the day. It contains yerba maté which is a plant most commonly found in South America and for the caffeine dependents amongst you, yerba maté naturally contains caffeine. Other key ingredients are lemongrass and lemon verbena.
Snore & Peace
Again, no prizes for guessing when this tea is designed to be consumed! I love a good pun (Snore & Peace, War and Peace - very long book, get it?) so I already loved this tea before I opened the box!
The key ingredients here are camomile, lavender and lemon balm. I’m sure you’ve all seen lavender used in many night-time and relaxation based products such as bubble bath and body oils so it isn’t surprising to find it in a night time tea. That lavender smell seems to instantly triggers the brain to unwind.
After Dinner Mints
I’ve been drinking pure peppermint tea after dinner for years as it’s supposed to help aid digestion, however I can’t say that I love the taste. It verges very close to tasting too weed-like for me!
Love Me Truly
I have to admit that this was the tea I was least looking forward too. The ingredients troubled me...ginger, fennel, cardamom and cloves, it sounded like I was going to drink a cup of watered down curry sauce.
Zen Again
Zen Again’s main ingredients include lemongrass, nettle, eucalyptus and ginko. I occasionally drink pure nettle tea as it has many health benefits (I won’t list them all here but a quick google search will tell you all you need to know) but as with pure peppermint tea it can taste a bit too plant-like.
Cloud Nine
I was really looking forward to trying this tea as one of the main ingredients is elderflower and I love a good elderflower cordial! This tea also contains lemongrass and apple, yum!
It smells light and fresh and is very subtle and easy to drink. The potential bitterness of lemongrass is nicely balanced with the elderflower. I think this is my favorite tea from the range.
What do you think of infusion teas? Do you stick to your milk and two sugars builders tea or branch out and try something a bit different?
Clipper are currently offering 20% off all the teas I've reviewed here!
*These teas were given to me ℅ Clippers however anyone can sign up to be a Clipper Sipper whether you have a blog or not. All opinions are my own and are genuine. It would take more than a free box of tea to convince me to give a false positive review!*